Industrail-style Coffee Shop

Standing bold, sturdy and unique on the best spot of the coffee farm, our barn-inspired café-restaurant is transforming the charming building from its original farm-oriented design to a community cafe where memories, connection, holidays happen. Our aim is to connect people with nature and coffee by creating a modern barn-café in the mountainous and forest of Cambodia.

Bold, Sturdy and Unique Barn Cafe
Standing atop the mountain, enjoy breathtaking views of the sea forest and sea clouds.
We use an industrial-style design for our coffee shop, featuring an open concrete floor plan that highlights the exposed architectural structure with high ceiling beams. The symmetrical design, clean lines, and weathered wood used for the coffee bar counter and wall partition pay homage to the design's origins in a traditional coffee barn.
Weathered wood for coffee bar counter and wall partition
Open Floor plan, giant architectural structure
With their generous open space and high ceilings, barn-style cafés offer a spacious and inviting atmosphere. They are also incredibly energy-efficient and comfortable year-round, thanks to excellent air ventilation and abundant natural light. In response to the climate crisis, building low-energy and sustainable structures has become more crucial than ever. Our café features a roof made of traditional grey tiles and walls partially constructed with hand-picked stones from the stream during the dry season. We hope this barn-style design provides visitors with a carefree countryside lifestyle.
Good natural air ventilation and natural light come in and out
Good natural air ventilation and natural light come in and out
Stream stone stick the front wall